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The Craziness of Covid-19....The unknown Part 1:


Early March was when it all began.... well for us in Australia anyway. I don't really have time to watch the news as I am always coaching at that time. The only real way I was getting information on this situation was through the radio and social media. I remember when I really starting noticing the affect of what was going on when I would go into the supermarket and see absolutely NO toilet paper..... yes lets just take a moment here and realise how stupid that was that people were worried about toilet paper... I mean come on we produce our own in SA.... Anyway when this whole situation really affected me was when Scomo announced the closure of gyms... yep this is my profession so I was a tad worried about what that would look like for me as a trainer/coach and athlete. Our world was about to change!

Scomo announced this and straight away our work group chat exploded. I will be honest here I was absolutely devastated... I didn't know what that meant for all those gyms around and if they would survive this whole situation. I have epic bosses so we as employees were lucky to keep updated this whole time. I want to thank my boss for being such an absolute legend throughout this whole situation, you have done amazing.

Next thing for me was when it really started to get me emotionally.. I had built my life here in Adelaide for the last 11 months and I was the happiest I had been in a very very long time. I had Dad and Mum on the phone saying I needed to get back pronto... yeah naaaaa I was not wanting to leave for many reasons. I was at the time had been seeing this amazing guy and I didn't want to leave him due to the fact I knew if I did leave it would end. I had amazing friends here and I knew it would be all okay and I would find a job until gyms re-opened, basically my gut feeling was telling me to stay. I will be honest I was on the phone to both Mum and Dad in tears as I felt my life was getting absolutely torn apart. I know there were and are worse people off and I was lucky to have the option to be able to fly back home. that doesn't mean it was what I wanted.

I had 12 hours to make my decision... so here I was flight booked back home not knowing when I would be back in my new place I call home... I was upset, I was numb, I didn't know how to feel. All I knew is how I was going to feel leaving this amazing new place. I was scared. I had to go and say goodbye to the guy I was seeing and his amazing family, not knowing when I would be back. My flight was booked for 6am which meant I needed to be there at 4am, my amazing flatmate offered to take me which was super nice of her. I knew I was not going to be getting any sleep that night, my head full of thoughts. I will be honest I thought about not getting on that plane so many times it wasn't even funny!

When I woke at 3am I got dressed and ready... still feeling exactly the way I was yesterday, upset, scared, not happy about the whole situation. Checked my bags in and then waited to board my first flight to Sydney. Then boarded my flight to New Zealand, once again mixed emotions. the flight was good watched lots of movies and tried to sleep.

It was when I landed in Auckland was when the whole situation really hit me. New Zealand where in their first day of level 4 lock down. it was intense we had to get health checks done and also had to explain our plans once out of the airport. I was lucky my Uncle and Aunty were dropping off their car for me to drive straight down to Hawkes Bay and to Dads. The drive down was so weird, no public toilets open and I wasn't allowed to stop. I was still feeling numb. I stopped in at Mums to collect my sim card so I had a NZ number and it was weird and hard because I couldn't even hug her. It was all really setting in... As I said before I know my situation was no way near as bad as a lot of peoples situations but at the time it felt like my world was crumbling down underneath me. I said to myself before I got on the plane I was going to allow myself to feel how I was really feeling and not letting it bottle up like I normally do. I will let you know I did keep to my word the whole time too.

Finally got to Dads' at 10:30pm and once again was super weird as I couldn't hug him... I am a huge hugger so not being able to hug especially my parents was strange. All I can say is the first 14 days of isolation was hard, emotionally draining and frustrating. I am a huge organiser and like to know what I am doing when so making sure I kept to a schedule was very important. The first two weeks went pretty quickly but all I was thinking about was getting back to Adelaide.. little did i know it was going to be a lot longer then I wanted.

I decided that I was going to get work while I was home as the money would be good and it would keep my busy. I ended up getting work in a pack house which meant I would get consistent work rather then having to worry about the weather if I was going to be in an orchard. Monday-Saturday 10 hour days, lets just say after 6 weeks of it I was exhausted but was super grateful for the work. I meet some pretty cool people. even bumped into a girl I had known from school, she was 3 years younger but had been through the same situation as me in regards to having to come back home from overseas. This was great as we could relate to each others situation and we understood what each other was going through. I wouldn't of got through my time at home without her thats for sure.

Anyway thats part 1 done... what I will say below is just a couple of important things that I took away from this whole situation especially at the start:

  • Keeping my schedule/ training plan as close to normal as possible. This kept my body moving and my mind good. I also still kept my volume up just didn't have access to massive amounts to weight. Being ADAPTABLE was key.

  • Keeping the mind going by reading and listening to educational and motivational books and audios.

  • Speaking up when you are not okay... this one is so important. It's okay to not be okay, let people know about how you are feeling, DON'T BE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP :)

Part 2 to come so stay tuned.....

Talk soon Legends!

Krista :) xx



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