GRATEFULNESS.... It's a word we’re all familiar with, it's a word most of us would use in our daily lives. It's also a word we sometimes use to make ourselves feel good about the life we’re living. In life there will be times that you just have a bad day, something doesn’t go right or someone says something hurtful. A trick I’ve learned to cope with these situations is to STOP and list all the things I am grateful for. This helps to bring me back down to earth, and to realise how lucky I am to live the life I do and to experience all the opportunities that have crossed my path. I’ll be honest with you, some days are easier to list off things I’m grateful for than others, and that’s okay. I think sometimes we as humans are so focused on what we believe we could or should have, be or do, that we either forget, or don't even realise, how good we actually have it. We don’t appreciate what is right in front of us in the present moment. I know I’m guilty of this at times, but I have a coping mechanism that helps me realise how lucky I truly am. I stop, and smell the roses. Being truly grateful for something, someone or some event that has happened feels amazing. It shows that we truly care, that we appreciate what we have and the life we live. My question is; do we really mean it when we talk about this thing we call 'gratefulness'? Is it just a word, one used too often or, in some cases, not enough? The next time you use it, really think about it - do you mean it? I am truly grateful for the life I live, the people in it and the opportunities that have crossed my path. Remember, there will always be someone else out there who is either worse off or going through the same situation you are. When you feel like life is tough and things aren't right, I want you to STOP and take a mental list of all the things you are grateful for. If you can shift your focus to those things, it will help you to realise you actually live a pretty good life. I always say; “there is always light in a dark room, sometimes you just have to take a really good look, and focus, to see it”. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough"- Anonymous.
Be grateful, be thankful, take a moment to pause and look at what you have in the here and now. You may surprise yourself with what you find.
Talk soon,
Krista :) xx
