Determination... this is a topic that I have a lot of time and passion for. It’s something I pride myself on, and I know I have lots of it!
Determination looks different for each individual and each individual will have their own definition of it. What determination means to me is hard work and a willingness to do anything to achieve a goal. It is sacrifice, commitment, dedication and staying strong-minded. That’s what determination looks like for me. I will aim for a goal and I will have the determination to achieve it. It may take longer than I thought, it may be harder than I thought, BUT - I will never give up because I am DETERMINED.
I have a prime example of where my determination helped me to achieve a goal that I had set myself three or four years before it actually happened. Yep, three or four years of pushing to achieve this goal, and it did happen! Don't get me wrong, it wasn’t a smooth ride. I hit so many bumps in the road and I had to figure out a few things about myself that I needed to switch up, but I got there! I achieved that long-term goal because of my determination and dedication.
That goal was to make it to a Regional level CrossFit competition as an individual athlete. This was a massive achievement for me and I’m very proud I made it. There were people who didn’t believe in me, but that was okay, they were just fuel for my fire which helped me to push myself harder. So, I say thank you to anyone who didn't believe in me.
On the flip side, I also had so much support, love and encouragement from so many people around me. Those are the ones who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself.
I will tell you right here and now that if you want to achieve a goal, whether it be in sport, work, or life - you absolutely can. You will have to work hard and you will have setbacks, but that’s all part of the journey. Those setbacks help you, they teach you, they enable you to grow as an individual.
Believe in yourself and surround yourself with positive, supportive individuals. YOU GOT THIS!
Have a great weekend!
Talk soon,
Krista :) xx
