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Obstacles in Life....


We all get thrown 'curve-balls' in life, some major some not so major. The key thing to remember about them is to focus not on what they are, but how we choose to deal with them. The outcome of the obstacles we face is often determined by the attitude we have towards them. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of obstacles in my time on this earth, and no doubt I will experience many more. What has changed about these 'curve balls' over the years is that, although you could say they’ve become more major than minor, I’ve become a lot better at dealing with them. I have learned to see them as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as failures or defeats.

I want to tell you about one of the most recent curve-balls I had thrown at me. As many of you know, I moved to Adelaide from New Zealand just over 12 months ago for a dream job as a CrossFit coach. It was exactly, if not more than what I was expecting. I was surrounded by some amazing, lovely, welcoming individuals. I felt like I was in the right place. I was so grateful for the opportunity. 

When I returned to Adelaide after my Christmas break in New Zealand I had a meeting with my boss.  I was advised that my hours were going to get cut right back and I should look for a new job. I will be honest with you guys. I was so scared, so upset. I felt like I had failed and I was ashamed of my efforts. I went home that afternoon and I decided I needed to choose my attitude and to get my 'A-into-G' and look for more opportunities. I didn't tell anyone about it as I wanted to do this on my own, and I did. I applied for so many coaching/trainer jobs. I got a lot of interviews and a lot of "sorry, we’ve gone with someone else". I was feeling so deflated, but I kept going and kept my head high, I chose my attitude. 

I will never forget getting 'The Call' from the people who are now my employers. It was the best news I’d had in a very long time and I was so thankful for this new job. To top it off, I was also offered some hours at another CrossFit gym. I felt like things were going to be okay again. They always end up okay, and I always remember that once I climb out of the ditch I’m in. All I did was make a choice. I chose my attitude, chose not to give up, and chose to push through. I will tell you now, I had so much support around me and can't thank those individuals enough.

YES, I was upset when I was thrown this curve-ball. I had moved to Adelaide specifically for this job, and now I didn’t have enough hours to support myself. I chose to see this as an opportunity to find another job, not as a reason to quit. I think things in life happen for a reason and we tend not to understand why until we are out the other side. I am so grateful to my previous boss, who brought me over to Adelaide and gave me an incredible chance. I didn't just get to do my dream job. I got to find myself again; I found my purpose, my why. I have so much time for them and can't thank them enough. I am thankful that I came to Adelaide, this incredible place I now call home. I love it here. The lifestyle, the people, and the awesome opportunities. 

I believe that there is always a positive in any negative, no matter how big the negative may seem. We will always get thrown 'curve balls" in life but it’s how we approach them that will determine what the outcome will be. Use these opportunities to learn and grow as an individual.

I am so excited to get back and continue with this incredible job and opportunity with amazing individuals. BRING IT ON!

Remember to do what you love. If you really want to do something and to achieve a goal, keep pushing and putting in the work until you do.

Have a great day legends!

Talk soon,

Krista :) xx



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