This is a topic very close to my heart, when growing up I went through self-image issues and believe that I was lucky growing up in the times I did. I think growing up as a young girl/ boy now is a lot harder as social media is a lot more active.
This is one thing that our society is terrible at. All the social media we are exposed to is absolutely crazy! Young girls/boys thinking they need to look a certain way or they need to eat and do certain exercises etc. We need to change this, we need to some how tell those young people that you are beautiful and amazing just the way you are.
We are all so different and we need to learn to embrace our individuality. We need to learn to love ourselves for who we are! As I mentioned above I have been through the horrible mental illness of an eating disorder and I would never, ever wish it upon anyone!
I ask you one thing, everyday wake up and look in the mirror and tell yourself one positive thing, just one thing a day. What will then happen here over time is you will expose yourself to the positives rather then the negatives and will then realise just how amazing you are! Its what we call the "ripple effect". If you start by making small changes everyday will turn into big positive changes over time.
Embrace and learn to love yourself for who you are. STOP comparing yourself to others. You are you and no one else can do you better then YOU!
You have to love yourself before you can love some else.
Have a great day! Don't forget to go tell yourself one positive thing :)
Talk soon,
Krista :) xx
