Good morning Legends!
Below I have put another home workout for you guys to try. I have split it into two sessions, but if you want to do it in one thats cool too, ENJOY!
AM Session:
A.) Warm up:
1min on 30sec off- 3 rounds of each movement then move onto the next one
Plank hold
Wall sit
Flutter kicks
B.) Banded work (5 Rounds)
10x strict press
20x push press
10x good mornings
With this one you can use an empty barbell or a barbell with very light weight here if you don't want to use a resistant band. Focus here is to try hold onto the press's (30x).
C.) 10 RFT (Rounds For Time)
10x HSPU (handstand push ups) - scale to feet elevated push ups or to normal push ups
10x Pistols - scale these to assisted pistols or 20x squats
PM Session:
A.) Warm Up:
Tabata: 20sec on 10sec off- you can use a spotify playlist here that has specific tabata songs so you don't have to worry about looking at a timer.
With this one do a full 8 rounds of tabata for each movement before moving onto the next one.
Star jumps
Leg Raises
Plank up and downs (plank to press)
B.) 10min AMRAP
20x hollow rocks- scale back here to hollow hold
20x sit-ups
20x russian twists - use some form of weighted object you can find, this shouldn't be too heavy though.
C.) 5 Rounds For Time:
20m bear crawl - make sure here we are keeping those legs as straight as possible, hips high
15x burpees
30x jumping squats- focus here to to keep chest up and weight distributed evenly through feet.
Well enjoy this one guys! Let me know how you go and if you have any questions feel free to message me.
Happy Thursday!
Talk soon,
Krista :) xxx
